If you have any questions about how you can use copyright materials, please contact the Library team at
As long as the use of the material is for the purposes of ‘illustration for instruction’, there is no reason that lecture capture technology cannot be used to record a lecture which includes third-party material. The work must be sufficiently acknowledged, and the copying must be fair. A recorded lecture available via Moodle is more likely to be seen as fair than a recording made available openly online.
Anything may be copied for the purposes of examination, which includes setting examination questions, so long as it is fair dealing.
Yes, as long as they are being shown for educational purposes only (i.e. not entertainment) to an audience of teaching staff and students, on campus. This is permitted under s.34 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Yes, you may share YouTube videos by either providing the hyperlink or correctly embedding the code given by YouTube. If you suspect any content to have been uploaded to YouTube illegally, avoid using it and consider checking whether the programme or clip is available via Box of Broadcasts (BoB) instead, which is a University subscribed service. Check further advice from the British Library on the use of YouTube here and also directly from YouTube too.
If you intend to reuse a copyright-protected image in a presentation to support a specific teaching point, then your use might be covered by a copyright exception permitting fair dealing for the purposes of 'illustration for instruction'. You will be required to provide sufficient accompanying acknowledgement of the author, work and source. Note that this exception only applies in the context of non-commercial teaching activity; it will not apply if the image is reused for other purposes or in a different context (such as illustrating a web page on the same topic)
If you intend to reuse a copyright-protected image online, you must generally obtain bespoke permission if reuse has not otherwise been authorised by the copyright owner (e.g. via a Creative Commons licence). It is advisable be particularly careful with images created proficiently or professionally (especially in the case of photographs). You must also remember to credit the creator of the image appropriately.
As long as the copying is within the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) guidelines you can provide students with a photocopy. Students and the tutor can be provided with ONE copy only.
You can link to material that is lawfully available online as long as you alert viewers that you are redirecting them to external websites where their use of the online material is subject to the terms of the opened site. It would be good if each link opens to a new window and that you acknowledge the source of the link.
You could share articles if downloaded versions are freely available for all in the publisher’s website. However, in general, it is preferable that you share links to the articles that other University of Plymouth students can access, either freely or via Primo, the University’s eLibrary.
No. Under educational ‘fair dealing’ this would be acceptable as restricted to students in the course of instruction. Also, access to services such as BoB (Box of Broadcasts), are on an internal server which requires users to authenticate into for any content.
Yes, but the recording should only be available online (via the DLE) for a specific period of time and be based around assignment needs of a student cohort. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, c34 does allow the showing of films, DVDs, etc., for the purposes of educational instruction. However, the recording of and long term keeping of such content is not good practice and would be flouting the HE ‘fair dealing’ exception!
This is not advised. You can link out to an eTextbook just as you might any other content but within the educational context this is not good practice. The book may have been uploaded to the internet illegally and without the copyright owner knowing. Better still would be to check with your Information Specialist to see if a legitimate eTextbook can be purchased or even a digitisation of a key chapter or sections acquired.
If using within a teaching context, i.e. as part of a lecture or presentation, or to ‘set the mood’ for students entering a lecture theatre for example, then this is acceptable. However, it would be prudent to check the Wikimedia Licensing section to confirm that there are no restrictions on the audio file(s) you wish to use. You could also check the Creative Commons site for copyright free music.