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Library Guides

Partner Institution Students' Library Guide: Studying with UoP

Information about using Plymouth University's Library and online Library (Primo) for Partner Institution students

Studying with UoP: Advice on how to use the Library and IT resources effectively

Completing your first piece of academic work at university level may seem daunting and your college and the University provide a range of support available to help you.

Make sure you:

  • speak to either your college Librarian or your college Admin/Student Experience Team about research skills
  • explore the subject library guides created by University of Plymouth Library  
  • explore the study skill guides created by the Learning Development team. 

University Library resources

The Library has a wide range of different resources including

  • print books
  • ebooks
  • journals / ejournals
  • databases
  • market reports/ company information

The best way to search for more subject specific resources is to use specialist databases - to find the top resources for your study area check out our library subject guides

Learning Development

Access learning resourcesGuides to various self-directed study support resources covering essential study skills including, notetaking, critical thinking, time management, presentations, exam revision and more.

You will  need to sign in to access these resources

Useful Links

Box of Broadcasts
Library Subject Guides
LinkedIn Learning
Referencing Guide
University of Plymouth App
Work at Home Software