Now that you are a university student you will be expected to be able:
This guide will introduce you to the additional support available via the University of Plymouth to help you achieve this.
We have created a collection of resource lists which are aimed at Partner College students.
These subject focused resource lists are not exhaustive and are meant to direct partner college students to University resources which supplement the key resources provided by their college.
Click on the image to see the range of resource guides.
As well as our online resources and help you are welcome to visit and use the University library. Before visiting it is worth applying for your University student card (if you have not done so already).
With your card you can borrow books, book a study room and pay for printing & photocopying.
For information on how to apply for a University student card contact your College Admin/Student Experience Team or visit the Academic Partnerships Plymouth Campus website and click on the Apply for university card link. You will need to know your Student Reference Number you receive on enrolment.
Check out our induction for our campus based students and details regarding visiting on our website.