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Library Guides

Performing Arts

Performing Arts

The majority of the library's journals are available online. Most of the time you will find the academic or scholarly articles you need from peer-reviewed journals by using an "Articles" search on Primo but you may find it useful to look at the databases below, especially as you progress in your course. For articles from previous centuries contemporary to the subject of your research use the historical newspapers and periodicals collections.

Performing Arts Periodicals Database

Performing Arts Periodicals Database

Indexing and abstracting database covering a broad spectrum of the performing arts and entertainment industry - including dance, drama, theatre, opera, stagecraft and related fields. The majority of hits will be full text and others can be checked for full text via Primo using the SFX button.



JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary journals archive.

Project Muse

Project Muse

Full text journal articles and book chapters particularly useful for Humanities and Social Science subjects. The general search default only returns content within our subscription.

The Stage

The Stage

The Stage Media Company Limited provides news and services for the UK theatre, entertainment and performing arts industry. It is an essential resource for actors and performers, backstage workers, creative teams and those in training and education.  You can register on the website to get access to jobs and alerts.

The Library also has online access to articles from The Stage from 2009 onwards via the Performing Arts Periodicals Database.

Historic Newspapers & Periodicals

17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers

17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers

Access to 1757-1817 early English newspapers. Resource guide

19th Century British Library Newspapers

19th Century British Library Newspapers

48 influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of 19th century British society. Resource guide

19th Century UK Periodicals Online

19th Century UK Periodicals Online

Provides an invaluable fully-searchable facsimile resource for the study of British life in the 19th Century.

British Periodicals (Proquest)

British Periodicals (Proquest)

Hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.

Eighteenth Century Journals

Eighteenth Century Journals

Includes the full run of The Ladys Magazine, 1770-1832. Remarkable for its longevity, The Ladys Magazine is a major source for scholars of gender, social and literary studies. To compliment the Ladys Magazine, the collection also includes other relevant titles that are social, cultural and literary in scope.

Jisc journal archives

Jisc journal archives

JISC Collections contains the archives of the following journal publishers: Brill, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institute of Physics, ProQuest, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The Times Digital Archive

The Times Digital Archive

Access to the Times online between 1785-2010. Resource guide