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Tech for Learning

Tech for Learning

Brickfield Accessibility+ Toolkit

Brickfield Accessibility+ Toolkit is a feature which integrates into all pages within the Digital Learning Environment (DLE).

This gives you the option to download course content in a variety of alternative formats. The following formats are available to download:

Text, AudioEbookDaisy (talking book) and Braille

There is also the option for you to convert your own files into alternative formats within the DLE.

Convert course content into alternative formats

How to use ‘convert my file’ to create alternative formats


SensusAccess allows you to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate media including audio books (MP3 and DAISY), e-books (EPUB, EPUB3 and Mobi) and digital Braille.

The service can also be used to convert inaccessible documents such as image-only PDF files, JPG pictures and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations into more accessible and less tricky formats.

Alternative formats come straight to your inbox.

SensusAccess - alternate media made easy. Includes DOC, PDF, RTF, TXT, eBook, HTML, XLS, CSV, MP3, and Braille.