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Library Guides


Primo Library Catalogue

Primo is the gateway to all the library's resources and includes details of both print and e books:

See videos and guidance on how to use Primo to find books and access eBooks, renew your book loans, request a book that's currently on loan to someone else, and to understand how Primo works.  Any questions, please contact Kate.

Library eBooks

All eBooks are catalogued in Primo, the Library catalogue.  Whilst you can search inside the full text of some of the eBooks via Primo, the majority will only be found if you type in words that are in the title or blurb of the book.  In order to find book content on your specific topic, try searching inside the eBook full text platforms using the links below.

NB: some of these eBooks you can download and keep but some are viewable online only or downloadable on a library-loan model i.e. can be downloaded for 1 day.  See guidance for more information on access.  Note that for some of these platforms, the Library has only bought a selection of available titles.

Library Skills Guide: tutorials and guidance on eBooks

Finding properties, constants and mechanics information inside books

Knovel Logo

[See also Ansys Granta Edupack software for materials properties loaded onto many University of Plymouth computing machines and available for personal download via Work from Home]

Classic textbooks

There are lots of classic textbooks in the Library that contain appendices of tables of properties, constants & mechanical data of materials.  Most of these classic texts are only available in print.  You will need to search Primo or browse the shelves at 670.42 and 620.11 to find some of these well-known texts by Callister, Groover, Bolton, Ashby, Hibbeler, Askeland, Soutos & Domone and Kalpakjian. 

Search tips:

Searching for Young's Modulus of Aluminium in Primo is unlikely to find you the information inside these books as Primo is mainly a title search of eBooks.  Broaden your search to generic terms such as Engineering Materials / Mechanics and limit to 'books' in the filters to locate some of these texts.  See also the table of Dewey ranges below.  

To help you on your way, here are a couple of the few eBook only textbooks on this topic:

Key locations of print books on the Library shelves

bookBorrowing, renewing requesting print books: information on how to borrow

The majority of the engineering books are on Level 0 of the library.  Books are classified according to Dewey.  Examples of shelfmarks for engineering books:

Subject Library Level Shelfmark
Engineering Mathematics 1 510.2462
General Engineering 0 620.001
Civil 0 624
Coastal 0 627
Composites 0 620.118
Control 0 629.8
Electrical 0 621.3
Design 0 620.0042
Manufacturing (also some books here with materials properties tables) 0 670 (670.42 materials tables)
Marine 0 623.8
Materials (these books include materials properties tables & mechanics) 0 620.11
Mechanical 0 621