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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support

Library and IT Self Help

What is Primo?

Primo is our library search tool to help you find the best quality resources to support your learning, teaching and research.  Use Primo to discover specialist databases, theses, books, journal articles and more – both print and digital – with a single search.

What can I find in Primo?

In Primo, you can search for both physical items we have in the library as well as digital items we have archived or subscribe to. 

A picture showing physical items, a smaller circle, and digital items, a much larger circle, within a Primo circlePhysical Items

You can search for print books held in the library on Primo, as well as other media such as: DVDs, print journals, Special Collections, School Experience Collection etc. You will be able to see the status of the item in Primo i.e. whether it is available to borrow, currently on loan etc.

Digital Items

The Library subscribes to and has archived a large number of digital items that are searchable in Primo. It is important to note that most, but not all, databases and electronic resources are searchable in Primo.

What else can I do in Primo?

  • Request items
  • Renew items you are currently borrowing
  • Create and save lists
  • Add items to favourites
  • Borrow items from other libraries (Inter Library Loans)