The easiest way to find a book is to search on Primo. Type in the author's name, title of the book or search by keywords. Limiting your search to books, journal titles etc from the drop down menu will help narrow down your results.
Make a note of the class number so you can find the book on the shelf.
You may also wish to browse the shelves but remember that not all books will be in the same location as some will be relevant to other subjects too.
Books for Marine Science programmes cover several disciplines and are classified according to Dewey:
Subject | Library Level | Shelfmark |
Maths | 1 | 510 |
Hydrographic Surveying | 1 | 526.9 |
Physics | 1 | 530 |
Chemistry | 1 | 540 |
Oceanography | 1 | 551.46 |
Meteorology, Climatology, Weather | 1 | 551.5 |
Remote Sensing | 0 and 1 | 621.3678, 551.4, 526 |
Radar | 0 | 621.384 |
Always use Primo to locate books on your topic e.g. 'marine pollution' titles can be found at 363 (pollution) or 577 (marine ecology) or 597 (fish) plus in the shipping or legal sections e.g. oil spill regulations. The prezi in the books tab below will help you locate the items on the shelf, or just ask a member of staff.
As well as physical books the Library also has a number of eBooks - these are designed to be read online although some will let you download for a set period.
An advantage of eBooks is that as long as you have access to the internet you will be able to access them wherever and whenever you want. Whilst eBooks are designed to be read online you can save/download sections (within copyright guidelines). You can also create an account to highlight and save books to an online bookshelf.
Searching on Primo will discover both print and electronic books from all of our collections and platforms. If you specifically want eBooks you may also want to use the eBook platforms directly. This will allow you to search through chapters or full-text of that platform's books for information.
If you want to search for scholarly information, you can use Primo. As you progress through your studies, the best place becomes the databases. These include books, journal and magazine articles and conference proceedings. As well as general databases there are also subject specific databases helping to ensure your search is more relevant. You may also consider looking at particular collections of journals or within a specific journal.
To search for relevant articles simply type in your keywords (see constructing your search tutorial for help choosing these).
A list of databases and online sources for legal/policy documents
The British Library runs a service called EThOS, which enables individuals to register online at and access UK PhD theses. EThOS currently provides details of more than 250,000 theses, many of which are available electronically and can be downloaded from EThOS including all Plymouth PhD theses.
Plymouth theses can also be accessed from PEARL (the university repository) via Primo along with a selection of Masters theses.
BoB (Box of Broadcasts) is an online off-air TV and radio recording service.
BoB enables you to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recordings are kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently well over 1 million programmes).
It allows you to record and catch-up on missed programmes, schedule recordings in advance, edit programmes into clips, create playlists, embed clips into the DLE, share what you are watching with others, search a growing archive of material, and more.
You can use most images for educational purposes as long as they are appropriately attributed with a reference. However, if you have used an image and are taking it externally (such as in a poster) or publishing it online, you need to ensure that you are using images that allow you to do this.
Here is a list of links to copyright free images.
Be aware of your own bias when researching! It is easy to research by looking for evidence to support your own opinion- watch this video to learn more.