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Library Guides

Library Skills

Library Skills


  • Go to Primo homepage and click on the Databases tab at the top of the page, or the Databases box.  This will take you through to the A-Z list of databases available to you

Screenshot of the Primo homepage, with the links in the navigation bar and boxes to Databases circled in orange

  • There are lists of relevant databases in the subject libguides which have been selected as most relevant for your particular area of study.

The A-Z Databases Page

The A-Z databases page is the main place to find and access the databases.

You can:  

  • locate a database by it's title, if you know it by using the alphabetical list
  • choose a database from the list of subjects via the drop down menu
  • choose a database by type, using via the drop down menu
  • choose a database by the provider
  • search for a database by typing a keyword into the search bar

Screenshot of the A-Z Databases page

It can be helpful to understand the difference between a database and a database platform.

A database is an organised collection or index of information records containing, journals. articles, videos, images, theses and more.

A database platform is a company which provides access to a number of different databases.


Database Platform Databases
EBSCOHost British Education Index (BEI)
Business Source Complete
Proquest Arts & Humanities Fulltext