Funders increasingly have requirements around research data and you may be asked to create a data management plan in order to comply with your funder's requirements. The DMPOnline tool keeps templates and examples for different funder requirements for DMPs.
In additional to planning for data management, many funders now also stipulate how the data should be retained and/or archived after the project. They may have a period of time that the data must be retained for, or require that the data is placed into specific repositories.
You will need to know about the needs of your funder towards the beginning of the project as well as familiarise yourself with the requirements of any named repository, so that you can plan for how to meet these requirements as you carry out your project.
You can use the Sherpa Juliet tool to check funder data requirements, but your first port of call should be the documentation provided by your funder. Requirements for some of the major funders and links to their documentation can be found below.
UKRI common principles on research data.
The UKRI principles envelop individual funder requirements as best practice and expectations for all research funded by UKRI, Research Councils, Research England and Innovate. Each individual funder then has their own policy with more specific instruction on what should be done with data from projects they fund.
All UKRI funded research should:
These principles are also reflected in the university's Research Data Policy.
Further links below:
Arts and Humanities Research Council
DMP is required at application.
There are suggested headings provided by AHRC, but you can use Plymouth DMPOnline to find an AHRC template.
Policy includes software: Yes
Data Sharing: Expected
No time-frame specified for sharing.
Data to be made available for at least 3 years post-project. If this is not possible, this should be justified in the DMP.
Access to data should be free. If planning to charge for access, this must be justified.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
'Costs related to long term storage will be permitted providing these are fully justified and relate to the project.' Costs towards sharing can also be permitted. Costs should be clarified in the 'Justification of Resources'.
Further links below:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
DMP is required at application.
A list of suggested areas to cover is provided by BBSRC and a template is available via Plymouth DMPOnline. The DMP should be concise, maximum 1 page. It should cover data management and sharing as part of the grant proposal. If sharing is not possible or appropriate, this should be justified in the DMP.
Policy includes software: No
Data Sharing: Expected
Data should be made available no later than publication of findings and within 3 years of the project end.
Data to be preserved for minimum 10 years after the project end.
BBSRC have a list of recommended resources for sharing data, and recommend use of their existing infrastructure where possible. If these are not appropriate, journal websites or repositories might be considered.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Grantholders are asked to capture and record data sharing activities on ResearchFish.
Further links below:
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
DMP is not required at application.
However, EPSRC expects that project-specific data management plans exist for all data and a template for this is available via Plymouth DMPOnline.
Policy includes software: Yes
Data Sharing: Metadata
Appropriately structured metadata should be published within 12 months including what data exists, how, when and how it was generated as well as how to access it (or summary of access restrictions). Digital research objects should have dois. Data underpinning research should be made as open as possible.
An easy way to achieve this would be to deposit the data into an appropriate repository.
Data to be preserved for minimum 10 years after a) any embargo/exclusive access finishes, or b) if others have accessed the data then after the last date that access to the data was requested by a third party.
There is no preferred repository for data.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Details of project outcomes to be entered into ResearchFish
EPSRC policy states that data underpinning published outputs should be retained as a priority, the rest is up to the discretion of the researcher/ PI/ department.
Further links below:
Economic and Social Research Council
DMP is required at application.
Maximum 3 pages of A4- a template is available via Plymouth DMPOnline.
Policy includes software: No
Data Sharing: Expected
All data created or repurposed to be deposited in a data repository within 3 months of grant end. This could be with the UK Data Service (ESRC data service provider) or a responsible alternative, e.g.institutional repository. In the latter case, the UK Data Service needs to be informed of the location of data publication.
Data to be made available for at least 3 years post-project. If this is not possible, this should be justified in the DMP.
Minimum requirements are that data be made available for reuse by other researchers and it is expected that legal, ethical or commercial constraints are identified and mitigated in the planning stage to maximise data sharing. Where deemed impossible, a strong argument must be presented.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Include costs of data management and preparation for sharing in the grant proposal. Note, preservation costs of repositories other than the UK Data Service will generally not be covered.
Further links below:
Medical Research Council (also NC3Rs)
DMP is required at application.
This is important as part of application. Maximum 3 pages A4 (4 pages for longitudinal studies), although it may be much shorter if appropriate.
Policy includes software: No
Data Sharing: Expected
As per UKRI guidelines, "in a timely and responsible manner". It is acknowledged that this may take time due to patent applications and on-going research that contributes to the completion of datasets. A limited and defined period of exclusivity is deemed reasonable.
Appropriate regulatory permissions must in be place before sharing medical research involving personal data.
Otherwise is it expected that data be made available "to the scientific community with as few restrictions as possible" via an appropriate discipline-specific repository.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Costs related to sharing are covered and should be included in the resources section of the proposal. This could be people, equipment, infrastructure and tools to manage, store, analyse and provide access to the data.
Further links below:
Natural Environment Research Council
Outline DMP is required at application.
1 page outline, for which there is a template. Once funded, the PI should work with the relevant NERC data centre to develop this into a full DMP. This should be agreed within 3-6 months of the grant start date.
Policy includes software: Yes
NERC also have their own policy on preservation of model code and output.
Data Sharing: Expected
Data with long-term value to be made available within 2 years from the end of data collection.
NERC have data centres, which they prefer you to use.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Costs associated with management of the data once it has been passed to the centres will be funded separately, and should not be included in the grant proposal.
Further links below:
Science and Technology Facilities Council
DMP is required at application.
Except for Public Engagement.
Guidance is given on what should be covered, but a template is available in Plymouth DMPOnline, and use of the Digital Curation Centre's guidance for plans is advised. Should be 2 pages A4 maximum.
Policy includes software: No
Data Sharing: Expected
Data underpinning outputs should be shared within 6 months of publication of findings and data preserved for a minimum of 10 years after project end. If data is not re-measurable, plans should be made to keep it indefinitely.
Data should be made open, unless there are specific reasons not to, and deposited in an appropriate repository.
The length of any exclusive access period should be specified and justified and any norms within the field should be followed.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
Resources should be specified and justified.
Further links below:
Future Leaders Fellowships
DMP is required at application.
Template available specific to the scheme. Applicants should use the UKRI common principles on data as a guide as to how they should be considering their data.
Policy includes software: Unclear
The common principles are not specific on this, but data is normally considered to be "the evidence that underpins the answer to the research question, and can be used to validate findings regardless of its form...may be defined as ‘relational’ or ‘functional’ components of research, thus signalling that their identification and value lies in whether and how researchers use them as evidence for claims". So if software would be required to understand other data, or would be required to underpin your research, then it should be included.
Data Sharing: Expected
As per the UKRI common principles in a "timely and responsible manner, unless there are exceptional reasons why this cannot happen". This is normally 'no later than publication of findings' but where that would compromise incomplete datasets you should take this into account. Where a period of exclusivity is required this should be short and defined in the DMP.
You should look to the research council most aligned with your research to find recommendations on where to deposit data. e.g. if your work is aligned with NERC interests, check their guidance to find an appropriate NERC data centre. If your work is aligned with ESRC, consider the UK Data Service.
Costs of data management covered: Yes
More guidance on what could be covered is included in the application guidance, but it could include "people, equipment, infrastructure and tools to manage, store, analyse and provide access to data".
Further links below: