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Library Guides

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the library

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Library


Labour pains and labour power : women and childbearing in India
Chinese Publishing
Transforming gender and emotion : the Butterfly Lovers story in China and Korea


Black British Drama
Black Tudors
Contemporary Black Women Filmmakers and the Art of Resistance
Narratives in black British dance : embodied practices
Black Americans in Victorian Britain
Contemporary British artists of African descent and the unburdening of a generation
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Development in Africa
Black British Culture and Society
Black power: the politics of liberation in America
Don't stop the carnival. Volume 1 : Black music in Britain
Black British History: New Perspectives
Contemporary African Plays
A concrete bridge on wooden pillars : opinions and wishes of the marginalised
Black Spartacus : the epic life of Toussaint Louverture
Black Film British Cinema II
Black Skins, Black Masks
Mobile Africa: Human Trafficking and the Digital Divide
Towards the African renaissance: essays in African culture and development 1946-1960
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
Young, Female and Black
We Need To Talk About Race: Understanding the Black Experience in White Majority Churches
Searching for sharing : heritage and multimedia in Africa
African American journalists : autobiography as memoir and manifesto
The defender : how the legendary Black newspaper changed America : from the age of the Pullman porters to the age of Obama
The black press: new literary and historical essays

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller

The education of gypsy and traveller children : towards inclusion and educational achievement


The 500 years of Indigenous resistance comic book
Indigenization Discourse in Social Work
Wildlife Stewardship on Tribal Lands
Free to be Mohawk : indigenous education at the Akwesasne Freedom School
Narrating nature : wildlife conservation and Maasai ways of knowing
Greenland's Stolen Indigenous Children
Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire
Critical Indigenous Studies: Engagements in First World Locations
Indigenous People and Nature : Insights for Social, Ecological, and Technological Sustainability
Indigenous Intergenerational Resilience : Confronting Cultural and Ecological Crisis
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Development in Africa
Contesting extinctions : decolonial and regenerative futures

This page contains links to books related to differing ethnicities and their lived experience.


White Women
The Ways of White Folks
White lives : the interplay of 'race', class, and gender in everyday life
Skate life : re-imagining white masculinity