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Endnote Click

Send both the .pdf and the reference details straight into Endnote with one click!

EndNote Click browser extension

Endnote Click is a separate, free, browser extension tool that you can sign up for (if you also have an Endnote Online account or Web of Science personal account e.g. to save your Web of Science searches, then use the same email address/password in your Endnote Click set up).  It works when you are on a journal article page e.g. Science Direct, Nature, PLoS, Taylor & Francis, Wiley etc. and pops up on your screen with a link to the .pdf.  

It also has its own .pdf store ('locker') so it can be used without access to Endnote as a place to store full text article .pdfs although it is not a referencing tool on its own.

Endnote Click links in with University of Plymouth's Library subscriptions and will find the 'best quality' .pdf for you: a library subscription version or an Open Access version.  If there is no legal copy available (i.e. the article is behind a paywall and there is no Open Access version, you will be redirected to a Primo search for possible access via another provider or to the Library's Inter Library form in Primo).

How to set up and use Endnote Click

How to set up and use EndNote Click 

  1. Visit the EndNote Click website.

  2. Click on the Add to browser button and follow the prompts to add the extension to your browser.

  3. Create an EndNote Click account (use the same details as your Endnote Online account).

  4. As part of the account set up you will be prompted to input your Institution - search for Plymouth here.

  5. Agree to the EndNote Click terms and conditions.

See Endnote Click in action:



What do the Endnote Click icons mean?

View PDF icon

EndNote Click View PDF button

Endnote Click identifies University of Plymouth library holdings (Primo).  If we have subscribed to the journal, Endnote Click will show you the subscriber (published) version.  It will also show you the published version if the paper is fully Open Access.  The button will also show if you have previously saved a .pdf to your Endnote Click 'Locker'.

If it cannot legally take you to the published version, Endnote Click will then check for other Open Access versions (e.g. in a repository such as Pearl) and show you this instead.  

Grey library search icon

EndNote Click Search library button

If there is no full text access at all via the publisher (i.e. journal not directly subscribed to by the University Library and no legal Open Access version), Endnote Click will take you to Primo to search for the article.  Full text access could be provided by a content aggregator 're-seller' of the journal and Primo will find this access if so.  Otherwise, you will be directed to the Inter Library Loan form on Primo.  (Only final stage students and above can apply for ILLs).

Other features of Endnote Click

Other ways to use Endnote Click

There are other ways you can use Endnote Click too including:

  • sending multiple references from Google Scholar or PubMed to your 'Locker' (and from there, to your Endnote Library)

  • using Endnote Click as a search bar for Web of Science, Google Scholar or PubMed.

  • in Web of Science, Endnote Click icon shows against each hit

Here's an example showing Endnote Click sending multiple references from Scholar to either your Endnote Click 'Locker' or Endnote Library:

  1. Run your search in Google Scholar

  2. Click the Endnote Click icon in the browser bar (you may need to sign into your Endnote Click account)

  3. The same Google Scholar hits will show in an Endnote Click pop up for you to select and export to Endnote or add to your 'Locker'.

Screenshot of Endnote Click in Google Scholar, highlight options to copy, download, or search institution library

Here is an example of clicking on the Endnote Click button as a short cut to Web of Science:

  • Open a new internet page

  • Click the Endnote Click icon in the browser > the Web of Science search bar shows

(NB: in your Endnote Click settings you can choose which search engine should be the default.  Options also include PubMed.)  This shortcut to a resource you would otherwise have to sign in to works because Endnote Click has already identified which university you are affiliated with when you set up your account. 

Screenshot of Endnote Click as a shortcut to Web of Science