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Endnote Desktop

Endnote desktop tutorials and support

Endnote Desktop

Installing Endnote Desktop

University provided personal computer

For staff and PGRs who have been provided with a University computer, you can find Endnote in the Software Center:

  • Search for 'Software Center' in your computer's task bar/start menu
  • Search for Endnote and 'Install'


Your own Windows computer

University members who use their own personal computer can download the Endnote software from the University's 'Study and Work At Home' pages:

[Note: Before attempting to download Endnote, you should ensure you are connected to the VPN via FortiClient.]

  • Go to the 'Work At Home' pages and select either 'Study at home' or 'Work at home' depending on your role as student or staff (PGRs can select either).

  • Scroll down to 'Software for Home Use' > Endnote 21 

  • Download the relevant application for your operating system.

Add the University of Plymouth styles by following instructions in the next tab.

Written Instructions

Download the Plymouth Cite Them Right 2024 Style found above

Once the file has downloaded, open it; this will automatically open Endnote Desktop displaying this styles screen

Screenshot of the Endnote Styles screen



You can now save the style by choosing File -> Save As

Screenshot showing how to select the "save as" option from the File menu


The Style is now saved in your Endnote styles catalog, however it now needs to be selected as an output style to appear in Microsoft Word Endnote Plugin.

Choose Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager

Screenshot showing how to selection "output styles" then "open style manager" under the Tools menu


The endnote style manager will appear, with a list of all of Endnotes included reference styles, scroll down the list to Plymouth Cite Them Right 2024 (in this example) and tick the selection box.  Only styles which have been selected will appear within the styles list in Microsoft Word


Once selected, you can safely close the styles manager window.

Screenshot showing how to tick as style for in the style manager for inclusion in Word

Your own Mac

University members who use their own personal computer can download the Endnote software from the University's 'Study and Work At Home' pages:

[Note: Before attempting to download Endnote, you should ensure you are connected to the VPN via FortiClient.]

Purchasing Endnote Software

Our site licence enables a discounted rate for individuals to purchase Endnote.  However, please note that you can also download the software to keep on your own computer free of charge via the Work At Home option (see other tab) which you may prefer to do.

For each license purchased, EndNote may be installed on up to 3 computers (both Mac and Windows) for exclusive use by the license holder.  The EndNote license is a one-off charge for a perpetual license.

Adding the university Styles to your purchased software:

  • You may also wish to use one of the Plymouth referencing styles.

  • These enable you to reference in your Word documents using set Plymouth styles (Plymouth Cite Them Right or Plymouth Humanities).

  • Download the preferred style using the icons below (it will likely go to your Downloads Folder).

  • Move the file to your Endnote Styles folder on your computer: C drive > Program Files (x86) > Endnote 21 > Styles.

University open access computer

Endnote is deployed on all the computers in teaching rooms and the Library on campus.  Simply search for 'Endnote' in the computer start menu/task bar.

Bear in mind that open access computers are wiped of hard drive data each night so if you use Endnote Desktop on these machines you will not be able to save your library to the desktop/computer hard drive.

It is recommended to use the campus computers for accessing your cloud based Endnote Online version of your library instead of using Desktop.