The University Library supports staff to publish articles openly through the arrangement of Read & Publish agreements, management of the UKRI open access block grant and awareness of external funder requirements as well as the provision of our publishing platform and repository, PEARL, to which authors can deposit Accepted Manuscripts using Pure.
Note: there is no central fund for open access payments and no requirement or expectation from funders or the University that outputs should only be published Gold Open Access.
Will your article be behind a paywall and your publisher is asking for charges to be paid? | Will your article be published Open Access on the publisher site and your publisher is asking for charges to be paid? |
Publishers should not charge publication fees (e.g. page charges) to publish behind a paywall. These should be challenged or publication sought elsewhere as there are no central funds for publishing. Open Access for paywalled publications can be achieved at no cost by depositing Accepted Manuscripts via Pure > Pearl (required for REF) Green OA |
There is no central fund for open access publishing. Options are:
Gold is a business model that moves the costs of publishing from the reader/reader's institution at the point of requiring read-access, to the author/author's institution prior to publication. A 'fully Gold' title or platform should have no read/subscriber fees (paywalls) which means it is only possible to publish in such a venue if the costs of publishing (known as an APC - Article Processing Charge) in that journal can be covered.
This route carries a cost - fees are wide ranging depending on publisher.
All articles in fully Gold venues should be licenced CC-BY and not any other CC licence. Copyright should always be the Author and not the Publisher.
Hybrid is a business model which legacy paywalled/subscription journal publishers have adopted in recent years. They continue to charge institutions annual subscriptions yet will also accept a Gold Open Access fee (known as an APC - Article Processing Charge) for individual articles. Therefore, an individual issue of a journal can comprise both paywalled and open articles on the publisher site.
This route carries a cost - Publishers receiving dual income and increased profits from subscriptions and APCs have resulted in funders refusing to cover Open APC payments in hybrid titles unless they adapt business models. Transformative (Read & Publish) deals are an evolution which funders will support.
All articles published Gold open access in Hybrid venues should be licenced CC-BY and not any other CC licence. Copyright should always be the Author and not the Publisher.
Diamond is a form of publisher Open Access that carries no cost to the reader or author. Examples of Diamond Open Access are University Presses or locally hosted journals such as UoP's Plymouth Student Scientist or not-for-profit models such as Open Library of Humanities. Funders are investing in Diamond OA publishing initiatives which can support a healthier, more financially sustainable publishing ecosystem for the future.
There is no cost to Open Access publishing for authors through the Diamond route. The article will be Open on the publisher platform and costs are met though consortia funded business models.
Diamond OA publishing fully supports Open Access drivers and should ensure that such work is licenced CC-BY and is copyright of the author.
Green is a way to achieve open access through repositories and is a no cost route to openness. Authors will publish behind a paywall in the traditional way and self-archive (or 'deposit') a copy of the peer-reviewed, Author's Accepted Manuscript into an institutional or subject repository.
There is no cost to authors to publish green open access.
Authors' Accepted Manuscripts are usually deposited under licence from the publisher i.e. deposited in repositories permitted by publishers, subject to an embargo on access (usually a few months) and must carry a link back to the version of record.
Increasingly, funders are encouraging authors to retain the rights of these manuscripts in order that authors can make green open access deposits immediately open and licenced CC-BY for maximum re-use. Therefore, authors may need to negotiate with their publisher the retention of these rights upon submission.
Bronze is a type of Open Access that does not adhere to agreed definitions of Open Access and is not compliant with funder policies. The publisher may decide to make your article open but they will retain the rights and can remove the open access/restrict use of the open content as they wish. Full open access (Gold/Diamond) on the publisher site should always carry a CC-BY licence that is copyright of the Author.
There should not be no cost to bronze OA as this is not a route that guarantees long term access and reuse of the work - do not pay for bronze OA.
Rights are usually retained by the publisher and the publisher can revoke access at any time should they wish.