Pure is an internal research information system used to capture details of research activity conducted by researchers at the university and surfaces this information in the public facing Research Portal showcase. Open Access publications are sent from Pure to PEARL, the University's Open Access repository which is linked with the Research Portal & staff profiles. Pure can be used for internal & external reporting (e.g. REF). Pure is supported by various teams across the University. The Library supports publication activity in Pure and Pearl.
In June 2024, Pure replaced Elements as the University's Research Information System. All research outputs should now be deposited to PEARL via Pure.
Full guidance and video demo support will be developed during Summer 2024. As part of the launch briefings and support for academic & research staff post-migration of data, two getting started with your publications in Pure guides are available on the RIS Support Site:
Pure (and the systems that link with and from Pure to make up the Research Information Systems) is supported by various staff across the University who collaborate to provide the help you need. Contact the RIS Support staff: ris@plymouth.ac.uk
For queries about publications and depositing, you are also welcome to contact the Library's open research team or your Information Specialist for 1:1 support: openresearch@plymouth.ac.uk