Before submitting your work to a journal, check that the publisher will not charge you a fee you cannot pay
Note: there is no central fund for open access payments and no requirement or expectation from funders or the University that outputs should only be published Gold Open Access.
Will your article be behind a paywall? |
Will your article be published Open Access on the publisher site? |
Publishers should not charge publication fees (e.g. page charges) to publish behind a paywall.
These should be challenged or publication sought elsewhere as there are no central funds for publishing.
Open Access for paywalled publications can be achieved at no cost by depositing Accepted Manuscripts via Pure > Pearl (required for REF)
There is no central fund for open access publishing. Options are:
Does your funder permit you to publish in this journal?
Ensure institutional affiliation is correctly listed
Always provide the full University of Plymouth affiliation (not just 'UoP' or department name) plus any other affiliation or group name. Note: if you have students who will publish the work after graduation, ensure they are aware they should state UoP affiliation. Current correspondence details and affiliation should not be conflated.
Ensure UoP email is provided to the publisher
This is a requirement for publishers the university has Read & Publish agreements with in order for publisher systems to route authors correctly to their institutional approval dashboards
Ensure appropriate acknowledgement is given for UoP or external facilities provided in support of the work
e.g. HPC or PEMC according to the facility's own specific acknowledgement criteria. Where publishers provide fields for this data capture, use of UoP equipment and facilities as acknowledged by publications can be reported on at scale via tools such as SciVal, providing evidence of impact and supporting future investment.
Ensure appropriate acknowledgement to any funding sources is stated
Confirm the contribution of each author (according to CRediT where possible)
CRediT sets out 14 roles representing the different typical contributions to a scholarly output. CRediT has been adopted by many publishers and supports open research aims of collaborative, inclusive research.
Provide a Data Access Statement
Data Access Statements provide information about where the research data and other artefacts supporting the results reported in the paper can be found (either open links or contact details for data stewards according to FAIR principles)
Data Access Statements are mandatory for UKRI and Wellcome Trust
Provide your ORCiD to the publisher upon submission
This should see your ORCiD profile automatically update upon publication via CrossRef integration
ORCiDs present in publications ensures an author's publications are accurately attributed to them
Act on Acceptance for REF 

Upon publication, import the published record of your publication to Pure 

If your work is open on the publisher site, you can upload the publisher's .pdf
(If your work is not open on the publisher site you should follow Act on Acceptance for REF as above prior to publication)
Publish underlying datasets & link them to the publication 

Promote your work using the DOI
DOIs are trackable through tools such as Altmetric, PlumX and bibliometric analysis tools. See our promoting publications guidance.
DOIs are a permanent identifier with the DOI provider maintaining a registry of links
If your work is UoP published, e.g. a report/dataset, the Library can mint a DOI via Pure.