Your copies must fall within the limits of whichever is the greater, 10% or:
one chapter of a book
one article of a journal issue
one paper of one set of conference proceedings
one report of a single case from a report of judicial proceedings
one short story or one poem of not more than 10 pages in an anthology of short stories or poems
If an eBook is available, then it is best to link to the required chapter rather than requesting a digitisation. Contact your Information Specialist to see if an eBook is available and appropriate for purchase.
Note that, if your reading list needs to be used for subsequent academic years, due to Copyright requirements any digitisations on the list may need to be reapplied for. Contact your Information Specialist for advice.
The Library can digitise extracts, chapters and articles added to Leganto under the terms of our CLA (Copyright Licencing Agency) HE Licence.