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Library Guides

Reading Lists Support for Staff

Linking list to a module page

If you did not associate the your list with a Moodle course at the point of creating your list, you can still associate your list to a module or multiple modules when you are ready.

  • At the top of your list, click the Image of "Link to course" button. button. A pop-up window will appear.

Screenshot showing location of "Link to course" button at the top of a list.

  • Select the correct course by typing the module code into the Link to course search box (modules you are associated with should appear), selecting the correct module, then clicking it, as shown below. Make sure you associate your list to the correct year:-

Screenshot showing how to link a list to a course.

The module code should then appear at the top of your list:-

Screenshot showing position of linked course information at the top of a list.

Remember, your list also needs to be Published to show on the module page.

Please note: These module details come from the University’s central systems. If your module does not appear, please email

  • More than one list can be associated with the same module code.
  • Likewise, you can attach your list to more than one module.
  • The list needs to be associated with the module code for the list to be seen on the corresponding module page on the DLE. When the list is associated to a module code it will appear in the Reading Lists block on your module page.