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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support

Library and IT Self Help


If you are a student or *staff member at one of our Partner Institutions you are entitled to the following services on this page, including full access to the University Library's e-Resources and student portal. Guidance for Partnership students and staff on how to access the library's print and electronic resources is available via our Partner Institutions Library Guide.

* College staff teaching on a Foundation degree or supporting learning (e.g. Librarians).

Computing accounts

Students: computing accounts are generated as part of enrolment

Teaching Staff: Staff who are linked to one of our partner colleges can be granted a University of Plymouth computing account by completing a RUT Registration Form (Registered University Teacher). Please contact your HE Office at your college who can signpost you to the templates. Forms should be returned to

University of Plymouth Card

With your card you can borrow books, book a study room and pay for printing & photocopying

Students: Apply for a card via the Academic Partnerships – find out about the Plymouth campus webpage.

Teaching Staff: Staff who are linked to one of our partner colleges can be granted a University of Plymouth associate card by completing an Associate application form. Please contact your HE Office at your college who can signpost you to the templates. Forms should be returned to

Other services available

Borrow books on Inter-Library Loan from the University of Plymouth library via your college library. Speak to your college library for further information.

Journal articles and book chapters can be scanned and emailed free of charge to you via your College Library. Copyright Limits apply.

Student contact for Partnerships

For queries relating to student access and University of Plymouth card issues contact:

Data and Enrolments, Academic Partnerships, University of Plymouth, Room 300, 3rd Floor Hepworth House, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA


Teaching Staff contact for Partnerships

For queries relating to RUT accounts and University of Plymouth card applications:

Academic Partnerships Faculty Office, Plymouth University, 3rd Floor Hepworth House, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA


Contact for Partner College Libraries

For receiving books/articles/chapters

Partnership Loans Charles Seale-Hayne Library, Plymouth University, Drake Circus, Plymouth. PL4 8AA
