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Laptop loans at the library

The green bank of laptop lockers on Level 1 of the Library



At the library we have self-service laptops available for loan for students from the green lapsafe lockers on level 1.

There are 2 styles:

  • 4 hour loans 
  • Weekly (7 day loans) that can be used at home

Requesting an Easy Access Laptop

Lapsafe Locker screen with accessibility logo highlighted in the top corner.


To request a laptop from an easy access locker:

    • Select the Access Symbol at the top of the Lapsafe Screen
    • Wait for the symbol to turn green
    • Swipe your University card 
    • The screen will choose an accessible locker and apply the laptop loan to your account.

Reserving a laptop

You can reserve a laptop up to an hour before you come to the library so it is ready for collection on your arrival.

Go to and log in with your UoP credentials.

Click on 'reserve an asset'

Click on the default location and choose the type of laptop you require. If there are no week loan laptops available, then they will be greyed out and you won't be able to reserve one at this time:

You will receive an email with the details of your reservation. 

Please make sure you collect your item before the reserved time expires, or the item will be made available to others.

Go to the library Lapsafe lockers and swipe your card. Choose to collect your item on the right of the screen:

Laptop loan comparison

Terms and Conditions
4 Hour Loan Laptops are issued for a maximum of 4 hours.

Week Loan Laptops are issued for a maximum of 1 week.   You must connect to Eduroam before you take the laptop out of the library. 

If you are late to return a Week Loan Laptop you will be blocked from loaning another device for one day.
You will be liable for repair or replacement costs arising from any loss or damage to this Library property.