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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support


Library and IT Self Help Banner

Library Support for Part-time, Placement and Distance Students

University of Plymouth students are eligible for these services if they are:

  • On a part-time course
  • On a full-time course in part-time mode
  • Away from the University on any form of placement for 6 weeks or more
  • Living permanently more than 25 miles from the University

Postal loans

Postal Loans

Items (including requested items) can be posted to you. Email a completed Postal /Scanning request form for to The item will be issued to your account, posted, and a postal charge added to your account. Return postage is at your own expense.

Scanning Service

Within copyright guidelines, journal articles and book chapters from library stock can be scanned and emailed to you free of charge. If items cannot be scanned, we will photocopy and post them to you (current copying rates and postage will be charged at cost). Email a completed Postal /Scanning request form to

Book Collection Service

You can request books we have in stock and collect them from the Reception Desk on Level 1 at the Charles Seale-Hayne library

  • We require a minimum of 24hrs notice and will email when your requests are ready to collect.

  • You can collect your requests at the Charles Seale-Hayne library between 08:00-20:00 daily

  • Books will be held for 3 days. Uncollected items will be returned to the library shelves.

Please check our opening times before collecting your books.

Borrowing by Proxy

If you cannot get to the library in person, you can nominate someone else to borrow items on your behalf.

  • Email your details to
  • The proxy will be approved and a confirmation email sent to your University of Plymouth email address.
  • Your nominated person (proxy) can collect books on your behalf and have them issued at the Information desk. They should bring your University card and some ID of their own.

Email details


University of Plymouth card number:

I authorise the following named person as my nominated proxy to use my University of Plymouth card to have items issued to my library account. I understand that I am responsible for items once they have been issued to me.

Name of nominated proxy:

University of Plymouth card number of nominated proxy (if applicable):

SCONUL Access Scheme

This scheme enables eligible users to borrow material from other academic libraries who participate in the scheme. For criteria and further details, see our SCONUL article.