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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support


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Accessing Electronic Resources off campus

The majority of library e-resources are available both on and off-campus. 

If you are experiencing problems accessing the full text the first step is to determine that the library definitely subscribes to the resource in question.  

Check Primo for clarification using the 'Books, Journal Titles, etc.' search facet.

Recommended route to the full text

For the majority of resources, remote access is seamless via Primo or Library Subject Guide links.  Both of which can be accessed via the library home page:

You will be asked to sign into the portal and then shown the full text – no additional sign in on the publisher website is necessary.

NB: Some resources (e.g. specialist Shipping/Business/Professional websites) require a generic password in which case the Primo link will take you to a page where you can find this information.

The ‘Google’ route:

It is also possible to access some resources remotely via a general Google search but this requires you to know how to authenticate at the publisher’s website.  In most cases you will need to ‘choose your institution’ from a list. 

Please note that not all resources can be accessed via a Google search and that Primo or Library Subject Guides are the recommended routes.

Common questions:

Q: What is my Athens username/password? 
You do not have an Athens username/password.  If you are asked for one on the publisher's site, you have most likely 'googled' your way there.  In which case, access will usually be through a ‘Shibboleth’ or ‘UK Federation’ or ‘Choose your institution’ option instead.  [Health students may be issued with a separate Athens account for NHS resources.]

Q: I am ‘signed in’ on the publisher’s website but they still won’t give me the full text
Do we have access to the journal?  Check the journal title on Primo for full holdings information.  Publishers will often show ‘Welcome Plymouth’ (or similar) even if only part of the content is within the library’s collection.

Clearing cookies and deleting temporary internet files may be required from time to time (see the ‘settings’ or ‘tools’ option in your browser).
Email: or phone: 01752 588588 if you require further advice.