The British Library has set up EThOS, a service which enables individuals to access PhD theses directly. EThOS currently provides details of more than 250,000 theses.
The following link is currently unavailable due to issues at the British Library. Please contact for further information - 05/01/2024
Register at
Sign in and search for the item. In the list of results:
If a Thesis is available for immediate download.
You will see a green open lock icon. Click on the title.
If a Thesis needs to be digitised
You will see a scanning icon. Click on the title.
If a Thesis not available via Ethos
Make an Inter Library loan request. Please specify that it is a PhD Thesis and that it is not available via ethos, eg: ‘N/A Ethos’.
If you would like more advice and support on using EThOS, please contact your subject librarian or email: