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Library Guides

Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support


Library and IT Self Help Banner

Study Areas

The library has a variety of study areas across four floors to support your learning needs. Mobile whiteboards can be found on each floor. You can bring your own whiteboard pens or use the pens provided with each board.

Group study areas

The main group study areas are on Level 1 and Level 2. There are also group tables in the Level 0 atrium.

  • Show respect to other users and keep conversation noise to a reasonable level.
  • Mobile phones and laptops can be used.
  • Be mindful that excessive noise can travel to adjoining areas and cause disturbance to other users.

Quiet Study areas

The whole of Level 3 is a quiet study zone. On Level 2 there are quiet study rooms opposite the lifts next to the South East staircase (the side looking over the SU)

  • Users must work quietly at all times.
  • Mobile phones should be set to silent, although texting etc is allowed. Laptops and other mobile devices can be used with headphones.
  • Be mindful that conversation and other noise can cause annoyance, particularly when passing through an area.

Silent study room

A small room (309) is available on Level 3 for silent study.

  • Users must work silently at all times.
  • Mobile phones should be switched off and laptops and other mobile devices should not be used.
  • Refrain from eating and be mindful that even slight sounds can disrupt other users.

Bookable Library Study Rooms

Bookable study rooms, of varying sizes, are available across all floors. Please see our Bookable Study Rooms article for information about the rooms and how to book.

Computing Areas (Open Access Computing Areas)

  • We have PCs and a number of Macs in the Library available for students to use on a first-come basis.
  • There are computing areas in the 24/7 Learning Space, Level 0 and Level 1 with a limited number of PCs on Level 2 and Level 3.

Level 0 Learning Space - Term Time

  • This room houses PCs and study spaces with plenty of power points for laptops.
  • The room is open 24/7 all year round and is accessible by swiping in at the Level 1 library entrance gates, and making your way down to the Level 0 atrium
  • You cannot access this room via the Level 0 entrance or foyer during term time

Postgrad Room / Special Collections

This is a swipe access only room (305) on Level 3 for University of Plymouth postgrad students.

The room is occasionally used for teaching, which is advertised in advance, and houses the Special Collections.


A mathematics and statistics drop-in for University of Plymouth undergraduate students is held in the Sum:UP area on Level 1, available during term time.