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An eBook is a book in digital format, which can be read online anytime and anywhere with an internet connection, on a variety of devices. The Library provides access to over 480,000 eBooks available to students and staff, covering a variety of subject areas.

Search for eBooks via Primo, or search the eBook collections on the A-Z Database List. Find out more about eBooks on the Library Skills Guide.

Journals & Articles

Journals, sometimes called periodicals or serials, are scholarly magazines published on a regular basis and are subject specific. Each issue contains a number of articles written by different authors. Staff and students have access to thousands of journals to support teaching and learning.

Most of the journals are available electronically via Primo, within the databases and in the eJournal Collections. A selection of journals are available in print format and are located on Level 0.

For help with finding journals, visit the Library Skills Guide.


Databases are organised collections of published research that can be searched and browsed. Some databases are subject specific, while others cover a range of subjects (a.k.a multi-disciplinary). 

Databases largely contain journals and articles, but also include: eBooks, newspaper articles, theses and dissertations, videos, images, company records.

All databases we subscribe to are listed on the A-Z Database List. For more information using databases, visit the Library Skills Guide.