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Library and IT Self Help

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Select the star next the web address in the address bar to save a bookmark on Chrome

What are bookmarks?

A bookmark (sometimes called a favorite) is a place holder for a web page that will allow you quick access to that page instead of having to browse to it or search for it.

Instead of typing a web page in, clicking the bookmark will take you to that page immediately.

They are a great way to save you a lot of time!

How to add a bookmark, and keep them organised

How you add a bookmark or favourite will depend on the browser you are using. 

Pick the correct PDF below for step-by-step instructions:

Recommended starter bookmarks

Click each link to be taken directly to the page, then follow the instructions above to add them to your bookmarks:

University portal - your portal for accessing all your University pages

Library website - the Library website with updates on events and opening times

Pharos printing - upload documents from any device to the printers (requires your short login, not your email address)

Primo - the library catalogue for access to all physical stock, eBooks, online articles and databases

Top up printing credit  - add money to your University card for printing

Library guides - all of the library guides for your courses, digital skills help, how to become a better researcher and more!

Student Hub - located in the library building, this team can help with financial queries, accomodation, official University forms, mental health and wellbeing services and so much more