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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support

Library and IT Self Help

Noise policy

Library and Digital Support has a policy allowing users to hold discussions within its libraries, media workshops and computing (open access) areas. The noise policy seeks to create a variety of study environments to meet the needs of all our users.

Such a policy is required in order to protect those wishing to study quietly or silently, whilst allowing group discussion, social interaction and use of the facilities.

Consideration should be shown to others, especially in open plan areas where different types of study space are not divided by separate rooms.

We will designate and advertise certain areas for different types of study, as space and buildings permit.

Group or casual areas

  • show respect to other users and do not allow discussions to become too loud
  • remember excessive noise can travel through doors and walls to disturb other areas
  • use of laptops allowed
  • use of mobile phones allowed, although ringers should be silenced, if possible

Quiet study areas

  • recognise that conversation and other noise can cause annoyance, especially if you are passing through an area
  • work quietly at all times
  • turn off mobile phone ringers, although texting is allowed
  • use laptops with consideration (e.g. turn down sound volume, use headphones etc)

Silent study areas

  • recognise that even slight sounds can disrupt other users
  • work silently at all times
  • refrain from using laptops & other mobile devices
  • switch off mobile phones
  • refrain from eating, as rustling wrappers can cause annoyance

Noise Text Alert Service

  • If an area within the Library is too noisy, users can text their location to 07772 444789 for a staff member to investigate.
  • Locations are detailed on signs around the library.
  • This service runs between 8:00 – 20:00. Outside of these hours users can speak to staff at the Reception Desk on level 1.