Netiquette refers to internet etiquette guidelines that advise people on how to communicate and treat others when interacting online. These guidelines can apply to multiple aspects of the internet, such as email, message forums and video chats.
Following netiquette can help ensure you're being respectful to other online users.
Alternative text: 10 Netiquette rules for behaviour and safety. Be respectful: have a professional friendly manner and treat others with respect. Acknowledge that everyone has different strengths and experiences. Don't overshare: keep your information private especially passwords, locations, workplaces, finances or anything else that you wouldn't want a stranger to know. Know your audience: how you engage on social media, or with close friends may not be appropriate in a class or collaboration setting with acquaintances. Don't spam: avoid repeatedly contacting others in a short period of time. Don't send multiple emails or texts especially if you have had no replies. Reply promptly: especially when working in a group setting it is important to reply to messages so work can be co-ordinated and on time. Disagree healthily: disagreements may arise and that's fine but it is important to remember to treat one another civilly, and to not make arguments personal. Don't interrupt: interrupting can be seen as rude and disruptive. Raise a hand, or wait for a space in a conversation before taking your turn to speak. Include everyone: get permission to add people to groups. Don't single people out by using injokes, or making them feel uncomfortable or unwanted. Stay on topic: keep to the topic of discussion to reduce confusion. Remember that people can have different time commitments than you. Respect others' privacy: check before sharing or copying information, emails, or work. Respect other people's wish to remain private on social media posts e.g. tagging.
The University provide some more in depth examples of how to behave online, stay safe and how best to approach online group projects: