The 3 main browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari. The University pages work best with Google Chrome.
You are free to use any browser you have a preference for but the instructions on how to troubleshoot, or bookmark pages are likely different.
It is genreally best to pick a single browser and use that for the whole of your course as this will stop any confusion over which browser you saved which bookmark on etc, however NHS device users, and Mac users may prefer to use Microsoft Edge, or Safari due to device restrictions.
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for accessing University pages. It can be downloaded by opening your devices default browser and going to this link
Microsoft Edge is the default browser on any Windows device. You will not need to download it
Safari is the default browser on Apple products. You will not need to download it.
Users on an NHS-owned device may experience difficulties logging into University software. This is usually due to NHS and University logins conflicting.
If it is possible on your device, please download Google Chrome and use that exclusively for University work, while still using Microsoft Edge for your NHS work.
If the NHS device does not allow Chrome to be downloaded, please follow the instructions for using an InPrivate browsing window for all University pages.