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Library and IT Self Help

Self help articles for Library and IT support

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 Screenshot showing multiple tabs on Chrome

Tabs are the small icons that appear at the top of your browser whenever a new website is opened. It may be tempting to keep open many tabs so you don't lose what you were looking at, or for pages you frequently visit however, there are better ways to save these websites.

Keeping many tabs open can drastically slow down your device, and in some cases lead to overheating.  It can also cause problems with the browser displaying pages and may require you to close all of the tabs and delete your cookies/cache.


OneDrive is the main place to save all of your University work. It can be accessed from any browser, on any device, and means you can save work on one device and open it anywhere else in the world. 

You can access it from your Student portal (the cloud icon tile) or while logged into your emails on the web browser - not the University app

It is the most secure way to save your documents, and can also be used to start new Office documents such as Word or PowerPoint using the web browser versions of these apps. 

More information can be found here

University of Plymouth App

Screenshot of the University of Plymouth app in the Play store


You can download the University of Plymouth app to have access to your student portal on the go.